The name Peregrine (per-ə-grēn) comes from Latin peregrinus,
means foreign, settler, newcomer, immigrant
Founded in 2014 by Kartika Wisjnu-Lim,
a licensed Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC)
we approach each client with integrity and advocacy.
We are committed to provide the most sensible, cost-effective and
tailored immigration solution for you.
Up-To-Date Knowledge
We are at the forefront of the ever-changing Canadian Immigration Programs.
Service of Excellence
We are a dedicated team, committed in providing service of excellence
to our clients.
Secured Online Access
We use an ISO certified and secured Web-Based CRM Software that will ease the interchange of immigration paper-works and allow you to maintain your information at any time, across time any zone.
Kartika graduated with a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from Concordia University in Montreal in 1991 and obtained her Certification in Immigration Laws, Policies and Procedures (CILPP) from University of British Columbia (UBC). Prior to being licensed as Immigration Consultant in December 2014, Kartika went through the full path of Canadian Immigration personally, from being International Student, who then got her Permanent Resident as Skilled Worker, to become a proud Canadian Citizen. Kartika's extensive IT background help her navigating the ever increasing automation of Canadian Immigration system and fully online Express Entry and help her fellow RCICs to network with one another. Kartika is a member of good standing of CICC (The College-IC) and CAPIC.
Ernie has a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Based in Jakarta, Ernie is Peregrine's representative in Indonesia for those who plan to study or immigrate to Canada.